As Much As A Rat’s Tail
As much as a Rat s Tail Korean slang invective euphemism #8211 the “Insider s guide” #8232 An irreverent look at Language within Culture #8232 Get street with A Rat s Tail - Learn what the kids are really saying all the Korean they will never teach you in class. #8232 Korean is rich with the dynamic linguistic expressions and freshly coined language. A Rat s Tail dives into the intricacies of modern Korean slang introducing the hip hot spicy and sexual the irreverent and inspiring the cultural crass and comical. #8232 This is the Korean not covered in the language books full of color and infused with philosophy. With A Rat s Tail in hand you can impress others with your verbal acumen as you complement their fashion sense dish out dirty words or text up a storm while you gain insight into the mind and culture of the Korean people. #8232 Get the lingo on #8226 expressions so necessary they re like rice #8226 a little something on the side #8226 stuff to say (and do) while drinking #8226 spicy language and swearing #8226 something sexy to say #8226 what they say in the halls not the classroom! #8226 Konglish more Get the Straight Scoop with explanations of uncommon words and unusual usage. #8232 Culturally Speaking #8211 get the skinny on how Koreans think speak or act. #8232 Plus how to pick up break up make up or get down and dirty. #8232 Find out who s abusing you and how to talk about someone behind their back. #8232 #8232 Reviews #8232 “This book is the bomb!” #8212 Mr. Kim #8232 A must read for Koreans and foreigners alike!” #8212 Mr. Park #8232 “Shockingly fun!” #8212 Mr. Lee #8232 “Great bathroom reading!” #8212 another Mr. Lee #8232 (go there if you dare) #8232 #8232 Author Bios Peter N. Liptak lives and writes in Seoul Korea. An avid traveler and poet Peter draws on Korea’s people language and culture as a source of inspiration linguistic and otherwise. Keen on dialect and borrowed words in language Peter did his MA in Korean Studies at Yonsei University. Catch up with Peter and his musings at or his adventures at Siwoo Lee - A young philosopher who studies international management at KyungHee University Siwoo Lee has taken a profound interest in the symbolism of language combined with his fascination with foreign tongues and his sophisticated command of slang has led him to delve into the world of A Rat’s Tail. 실제로 널리 쓰이는 130여개의 한국 속어 및 비속어를 재치 있고 흥미롭게 소개하고 있는 쥐꼬리만큼 ! 본 서적은 한국인이 실생활에서 자주 사용하며 원활한 의사소통에 필수적인 속어 및 은어 130여개를 저자가 직접 골라내어 정리하였다. 영어 한국어의 속어 뜻풀이와 유래의 설명은 물론 상황 #8729 주제별 자주 쓰는 표현을 따로 정리하여 외국인이 쉽게 응용할 수 있도록 구성되어있다. 설명에 가미된 위트 있는 표현과 깔끔한 디자인은 내용과 더불어 이 책의 주목할 만한 점이다. 어려운 한국어 공부에 지친 외국인이 흥미롭게 한국 문화에 접할 수 있다는 점에서 한국어 공부와 문화 체험에 일거양득의 효과를 볼 수 있는 양서이다. 한편 한국인들 또한 한국어로 된 표제어를 통해 해당하는 영어 속어표현을 찾아 볼 수 있기에 이 책은 살아있는 영어를 공부하고자 하는 한국인 학습자에게도 권할 만 하다. 본 서적은 교보문고 온라인에서는 MD추천문고 반디앤루니스 온라인에서는 베스트셀러로 분류되어 있다.