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미드에 푹 빠지기 전에 꼭 봐야 하는 미드족 필독서. 『미드영어 단숨에 따라하기』는 인기 미드에 자주 등장하는 표현들을 총망라한 영어 학습서로 주요표현 2,000여 개를 비롯해 활용표현 및 More Expressions까지 합하면 총 3,000여 개 이상의 미드 표현들이 수록되어 있다.
이 책에서는 미드에 자주 등장하는 100개의 상황에 총 3,000여 개 이상의 표현을 수록하였다. 주요 미드표현들을 쉬운 영어로 설명하였으며, 미드 표현들이 실제로 어떻게 사용되었는지 확인하며 학습할 수 있다.
E&C _ English & Communications
E&C는 영어회화에서 TOEIC, TOEFL 등 수험영어까지, 효율적인 영어 학습 컨텐츠를 전문적으로 개발하는 단체입니다. 다년간 영어컨텐츠개발에 몰두한 실력있는 전문가들이 모여 더욱 즐겁게, 더욱 효과적으로 영어를 습득할 수 있는 기술을 연구개발하고 있습니다. 저서로는 『시트콤 잉글리시 351』, 『매일 10분이면 왕초보도 영어회화 술술 한다』, 『최우선 순위 영어회화표현 3000』, 『시험에 꼭 나오는 기출 TOEIC 단어장』 등이 있습니다.
001 Ways to check if something has been understood → You got it? 알았어?
002 Ways to make the meaning of a statement clear → I dont know what you mean 무슨 말인지 모르겠어
003 Ways of saying you have understood something → I got it 알았어
004 Ways of saying you dont completely understand something→ Beats me 잘 몰라
005 Ways to ask if a person is saying something seriously → You cant be serious 말도 안돼
006 Ways of expressing certainty → I mean it 정말이야
007 Ways of saying something was surprising → I cant believe it 말도 안돼!
008 Ways of getting or talking about new → You hear that? 들었지?
009 Ways of expressing agreement with someone → You can say that again 그렇고 말고
010 Ways of expressing like or dislike with something → I like that 마음에 들어
011 Ways of showing a strong interest in something → I cant wait to go there 지금 당장 거기에 가고 싶어
012 Ways of expressing things youd like → Id rather be alone 혼자 있는 게 낫겠어
013 Ways of talking about things that someone is interested in → Thats interesting 흥미롭네
014 Ways to do things and ways to suggest doing things → Heres the deal 이렇게 하자
015 Ways to say that someone has understood you → Thats what Im saying 내 말이 바로 그거야
016 Ways to disagree or say something might not be true → Its not what you think 그건 네 생각과 달라
017 Ways of offering advice to others → Watch out! 조심해!
018 Ways of saying youre not happy with something or someone
→ Do you have a problem with me? 내게 뭐 불만있는 거야?
019 Things that are said when someone is upset → What do you think youre doing? 이게 무슨 짓이야?
020 Ways of telling someone not to do something → Dont do that 그러지마
021 Ways of telling people to be serious → Youre one to talk 사돈 남 말 하네
022 Ways of saying someone deserved something bad → You had it coming! 그럴 줄 알았어!
023 Ways of expressing unhappiness or disappointment → Dont let me down 날 실망시키지 마
024 Ways of expressing when someones behavior or attitude is strange
→ What do you want from me? 내게 뭘 원하는 거야?
025 Ways of saying something doesnt matter → None of your business 참견마
026 Ways of saying someone should stop something → Thats enough! 됐어 그만해!
027 Ways of saying someone did things he shouldnt have → Youre gone too far 네가 너무했어
028 Ways of telling people not to bother you → Leave me alone 나 좀 내버려둬
029 Ways of saying you feel upset → Im pissed off 열받아
030 Ways of showing someone you are angry → Bring it on 어디 덤벼봐
031 Ways of saying people are making problems for you → I screwed up! 완전히 망쳤어!
032 Ways to express surprise or shock that something happened
→ How could you do this? 어떻게 그럴 수가 있어?
033 Ways of saying you cant control something → I cant help it 나도 어쩔 수가 없어
034 Ways of expressing nervous feelings → Itll totally freak her out! 그것 때문에 걔 정신 못차릴 거야!
035 Ways to indicate you dont know something → I dont know what to do 어떻게 해야 할 지 모르겠어
036 Ways of saying someone is acting strange → Are you out of your mind? 너 제 정신이야?
037 Ways to tell someone to relax → Take it easy! 진정해!
038 Ways to admit mistake → It is my fault 내 잘못이야
039 Ways to say you are sorry → I owe you an apology 내가 사과할게
040 Things that are said after someone makes a mistake → Thats no excuse 그건 변명이 안돼
041 Ways to comfort people and tell them everything is OK → It happens 그럴 수도 있지
042 Ways of telling people to stop worrying → Its no big deal 별거 아냐
043 Ways of saying there is no problem → Are you all right? 괜찮아?
044 Ways to tell someone not to get upset → Dont get me wrong 오해하지마
045 Ways of checking if something is right → Am I right? 내 말이 맞지?
046 Things that are said when someone will start to talk ab